If you’re done making the same old love life mistakes in your disappointing love life and it’s time to really work on your love life….the most important question you have to answer is: What kind of relationship do you form when you fall in love? Is it healthy? Unhealthy? Is the relationship you form when you…
Read MoreRecovering from the struggle to get out of an expired marriage takes places on several different levels. There is the financial recovery where both individuals work out an agreement, usually involving lawyers or mediators. Then there is the recovery that involves reshaping the relationships the divorcing individuals will have with children, relatives, and mutual friends…
Read MoreThe idea that not everyone of age is psychologically ready to have a healthy love relationship is for some people unacceptable. It is common to think that just because you are an adult, you are ready to form a healthy love relationship. The alternative is that most of us should consider working on our love lives…
Read MoreDivorces happen for emotional reasons. The hard part is, most people don’t really know their own personal emotional reasons for divorce. Of course, if you ask someone why they’ve divorced, they will probably describe a series of hurtful experiences and say that the unresolvable nature of what was hurtful lead to the breakup. Makes sense,…
Read MoreIf you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again in your love life…it’s time to work on your love life. If you’re stuck feeling lonely all the time, feeling chronically disappointed, experiencing repetitive painful love relationships, or just a lot of lousy breakups…it’s time to work on your love life. If you’ve…
Read MoreI’ve recently heard predictions that many more people than usual will be getting married as the pandemic lessens and more people feel freer to resume a normalized life. I’m assuming these predictions are based on the fact that marriage rates decreased in 2020 and the beginning of 2021. Our human need for love and the…
Read MoreGiven our contemporary fascination with ‘dead that moves,’ like walking death, warm corpses, and an assortment of living zombies, I thought it only fitting to write about ‘dead love.’ Paying close attention to the title of this post, you’ll recognize the phrase as an excerpt from traditional marriage vows. The literal meaning is, you’re making…
Read MoreJust because your lover is separated from his wife does not mean he is not ‘bound’ to her in some way. Seriously, if you are in love with a ‘separated’ man, it’s important to be able to differentiate between a ‘physical separation’ and an ’emotional separation.’ You also need to know the difference between ‘leaving’…
Read MoreYour parents are divorced. Your father met someone new and now he has a girlfriend. Maybe she’s younger than him, maybe she’s not. The trouble is, you don’t like her. Maybe you didn’t like her from the moment you met her, maybe it took a little while before you were turned off. The point is,…
Read MoreThis post is about living in the world with your ‘X-husband’ or ‘X-wife’ after your divorce. Ideally, the end of your marriage is final and you don’t have to deal with your ‘X’ any more. You can move on to a new life and eventually a new love, right? Well, unfortunately it’s a little more…
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