Are you in a healthy relationship?

Welcome to the Love Life Learning Center. I’m Dr. Thomas Jordan, a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst in New York City. After three decades of researching and treating love life difficulties, I created this website to help people with love life problems find the information they’ll need to solve them.
There’s a lot of inaccurate information and opinions out there. You owe it to yourself to get the quality information you’ll need to improve your love life. I know many of you have been trying to cope with repeating love life disappointments that have left you feeling hurt, heartbroken, frustrated or lonely. On this website you’ll find the answers you’ve been looking for.
You’ve come to the right place. Remember, your love life belongs to you, learn how to work on it.
Dr. Thomas Jordan
Clinical Psychologist/Psychoanalyst
Founder, Love Life Learning Center
Love Life Consultations
Individual tele-consultations that will change your love life!
Thomas Jordan, PhD

Victoria S. Jordan, LCSW

If your love life is disappointing and you want to fix it, you’ll have to
The relationship experiences we’ve had and observe others having from the beginning of our lives can teach us unhealthy things about love relationships. This unhealthy learning will recreate those unhealthy relationship experiences in our adult love lives. Because the learning is unconscious, we don’t know that we’re forming unhealthy love relationships and we can’t change it because we don’t know what we’ve learned.
You can fix this. We’ll show you how to find out what you’ve learned and strengthen your ability to challenge and correct it for a much better love life.
Schedule a Private Confidential Consultation
Learn to Love: Guide to Healing Your Disappointing Love Life
Thomas Jordan, Ph.D.
Kirkus Book Review
A psychologist explains how to stop repeating relationship mistakes…
Dr. Jordan’s approach is appealingly judgment-free in tone, as he aims to help both those who’ve been hurt as well as those who may have done the hurting. Throughout, his emphasis is on looking forward and not castigating oneself for previous mistakes. A chapter in which the author opens up about his own love life is particularly helpful in showing how his process works. Useful guidance for breaking out of unhealthy patterns and learning how to have a mature, fulfilling love life.

The IAN Book of The Year Awards
“How Do I Fix My Love Life?”
By Thomas Jordan, Ph.D.

Dr. Jordan shows audiences how to make the psychological changes that will dramatically improve their ability to form and sustain a healthy love relationship.
Individuals who work with the love lives of other people or are interested in improving their own love lives will:
- Learn how a love life can become repetitively disappointing
- Learn how to accurately identify what they’ve unconsciously learned about love relationships
- Learn a clinically proven 3-step method of unlearning what is not working in their love lives
This presentation is derived from years of love life research and the award-winning book Learn to Love: Guide to Healing Your Disappointing Love Life. Available to public and corporate audiences. Inquire at
Featured Interviews

Dr. Thomas Jordan was featured in Wendy Valentine’s podcast The Midlife Makeover Show and Alan Pratt’s Intimate Conversations.