Press Release: April 2012

New Website Educates About Love-Life Problems

The Love-Life Learning Center launched its unique website service for people with love-life problems looking for up to date psychological explanations and solutions. The site’s sole objective is to educate people about better ways to conduct their love-lives by offering a range of audio download products, workshops, tele-seminars, and free content created by its founder a Manhattan clinical psychologist, Dr. Thomas Jordan. 

New York, New York; April 14, 2012

The Love-Life Learning Center at is now open for the business of helping people learn something new and better about their love-lives. Their newly launched website features candid problem solving ‘lessons’ on twelve of the most critical love-life problems in the form of low-cost audio downloads. Their list of problems include coping with divorce, dealing with abuse in a love relationship, handling fears of commitment, dating safely on the inter-net, and coping with loneliness. They even offer an audio series for people who don’t feel prepared for love or know how to sustain a love relationship. And they expect their list of love-life problems and audio downloads as well as their love-life workshop and tele-seminar program to grow pretty quickly.

Their founder, Dr. Thomas Jordan, is an enthusiastic clinical psychologist with a special interest in the psychological issues involved in love, broadly defined, from romance to self-esteem. Dr. Jordan’s expertise and experience in the fields of psychology and interpersonal relations uniquely prepared him to create highly usable audio programs that help people challenge the limited learning and beliefs they often have about love while learning something more effective. His website expounds the philosophy that what is thought, felt, and done in a love-life is a consequence of what has been learned about love over the course of life. Dr. Jordan is fond of saying, “If you can accept that what you’ve learned about love doesn’t work, you can unlearn it, and learn something better.”

According to Dr. Jordan, “The biggest stumbling block is people may not even be aware of what they’ve learned about love and how often they repeat it, whether or not it helps or hinders their efforts to have a healthy love-life.” Dr. Jordan’s optimism is reflected in his belief that love-life learning is possible at any age if accurate and useful psychological information is readily available. The Love-Life Learning Center educates its website users in an area of living that is too often inaccessible to learning due to defensiveness and a resistance to change that can have disastrous consequences. Dr. Jordan believes that many love-life problems can be averted if a person is open to learning more about his or her love-life.

You can find them at

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Dr. Jordan

Dr. Thomas Jordan is a clinical psychologist, certified interpersonal psychoanalyst, author, professor, and love life researcher.

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