love relationships
Regarding the word “intimacy,” let’s separate the word from its commonly assumed sexual meaning and focus on its usage in the phrase “emotional intimacy.” What is emotional intimacy anyway? I am referring to the ability to form and sustain a healthy loving relationship. Let’s assume that when a person “falls in love,” the actual choice involved in…
Read MoreReader, before you read this article, I want you to know something about myself. I do not believe that being in an adult love relationship is required or necessary in order to be a happy and healthy human being. Being an individual and on one’s own, enjoying the freedom, is a lifestyle that many people…
Read MoreRecovering from the struggle to get out of an expired marriage takes places on several different levels. There is the financial recovery where both individuals work out an agreement, usually involving lawyers or mediators. Then there is the recovery that involves reshaping the relationships the divorcing individuals will have with children, relatives, and mutual friends…
Read MoreWe come into this world needing love. Contrary to some popular opinion, that need never leaves, it simply goes underground. The need for love is a fundamental characteristic of a human being’s life from start to finish. The problem is, there may be times in a person’s life when one’s love life is hurtful. Coping…
Read MoreWe come into this world needing love. If we don’t get the love we need at the beginning of life there are dire consequences, all the way from threats to our physical survival to life long emotional scars. Nevertheless, we human beings are extremely resilient and can learn to survive the hardship of being brought…
Read MoreThere are two general categories of people looking for love in this world. Those who are psychologically prepared to form and sustain a healthy love relationship, and those who are not. The problem is, those who are not psychologically prepared, for the most part, believe that they are. Dating and matchmaking services are being utilized…
Read MoreDivorces happen for emotional reasons. The hard part is, most people don’t really know their own personal emotional reasons for divorce. Of course, if you ask someone why they’ve divorced, they will probably describe a series of hurtful experiences and say that the unresolvable nature of what was hurtful lead to the breakup. Makes sense,…
Read MoreYou’ve fallen in Love, that mysterious emotion we humans are unable to predict or control. My description of the emotion with the little “in” before the word Love would be: a cross between acute excitement, emotional and physical needs you didn’t know you had, mild to moderate upset some call “butterflies,” a dose of anxiety…
Read MoreThere are essentially two ways that “being in love” with more than one person or what is currently called a “polyamorous” love life can occur in a person’s love life. The first I refer to as “substituting love partners” and the second way is by setting up a love life where you love more than…
Read MoreWhy is it so hard to change our love lives? I’ve known so many people who have made the same mistakes over and over again in their love relationships, as if they were committed to doing what will (and does) inevitably ruin their love lives. Whatever we believe about love relationships, do in a love…
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