
How Do I Avoid Getting Divorced Again?

By Dr. Jordan / October 16, 2022 /

Divorces happen for emotional reasons. The hard part is, most people don’t really know their own personal emotional reasons for divorce. Of course, if you ask someone why they’ve divorced, they will probably describe a series of hurtful experiences and say that the unresolvable nature of what was hurtful lead to the breakup. Makes sense,…

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Know When To Work On Your Love Life

By Dr. Jordan / August 13, 2021 /

If you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again in your love life…it’s time to work on your love life. If you’re stuck feeling lonely all the time, feeling chronically disappointed, experiencing repetitive painful love relationships, or just a lot of lousy breakups…it’s time to work on your love life. If you’ve…

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Stay With Someone You Don’t Love?

By Dr. Jordan / February 26, 2016 /

The question is, should you stay with someone you don’t love for other reasons besides love? How about money? You get together with someone who has more money than you do. Maybe you marry. You get used to the lifestyle, you like the extras, the wealth. But deep down inside, after the glamour has worn…

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Self-Destructive After A Breakup

By Dr. Jordan / September 29, 2012 /

Everyone knows the breakup of a love relationship is painful. Even more painful when you’re the one that doesn’t want it to end. Some people get self-destructive after a breakup because they are in pain, and can’t or choose not to manage that pain in any other way. These are a few of the common…

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